Featured Film Expert Psychology Guest

Brooke was featured as an expert contributor on the prestigious film Broken Brain II, Dr. Mark Hyman’s game-changing documentary, featuring high-level experts and thought leaders in psychology, mental health, self-healing through the mind-body connection, and Functional Medicine discussing the gut-brain connection and the powerful role of Functional Nutrition and Holistic Nutrition Therapy

Some of the other featured experts involved in the film collaboration include: famous author and psychologist Dr. Daniel Seigel, MD, founder of the Mindsight Institute, world renowned shaman and author Alberto Villaldo, founder of Four Winds Shamanic Healing and Energy Medicine CenterDave Asprey, CEO and founder of Bulletproof CoffeeRadha Agrawal, CEO and founder of Daybreaker, and Dr. Sindey Baker, founder of The Institute for Functional Medicine.

Broken Brain II showcases how Functional Nutrition Therapy heals mental health and physical conditions. In this documentary, Brooke discusses the power of the mind’s ability to heal itself though Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Experiential Therapy, Holistic Nutrition Therapy, and spirituality. She draws from the work of Joe Dispenza and buddhist teachers such as Adhyashanti. Demonstrating the incredible healing of the mind, studies show that people who do imaginary exercises are twice as strong as those who don’t exercise.

Brooke also speaks about how to heal, treat, and understand trauma. See Brooke’s Functional Nutrition and Holistic Nutrition Therapy page and Nutrition Research page to learn about her holistic, mind-body approach to self-healing that go beyond symptoms and heal the root causes of mental health and physiological problems.

She’ll also be featured in the upcoming documentary called Swipe Left: The Age of Disposable Relationships and has several previous and upcoming TV features.








Brooke is a public speaker and psychology expert contributor for televisionfilmpodcastsradio, and digital and print media. Her public speaking venues include UCLA, USC, Loyola Marymount University, Mariner’s Church, and the Moth, with audiences ranging from hundreds to thousands. Her previous and upcoming Television features include including Disney+, Zoe Dechanel’s Hello Giggles, Jim Henson Company, Annenberg Media, and several upcoming features. Some of her top magazine features include Cosmopolitan Magazine, Ariana Huffington’s Thrive Global, and Bustle, with upcoming features in Vox.com and the Huffington Post.

Topics of her expertise and specialties include a broad-spanning topics including anxietydepressionrelationshipstraumaspiritualitycoparentingdating, and more. Please see links below for more information on Brooke’s past and upcoming features and expert media contributions.

At the beginning of treatment, it is recommended that you meet with your therapist weekly. Standard sessions are 50-minutes long. You may request longer sessions in advance if you plan ahead and schedule them with your therapist. To set something up, all you have to do is email or call us and determine a time that works for you and for your therapist. To learn more about our team and choose which therapist is best for you, please visit the Therapy Team page.


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