How to deprogram cultural messages and transform your mindset

Cultural Programming

In so many ways, throughout years of personal discovery, I have reclaimed a greater sense of sovereignty, strength, and resilience.

But recently I went through a series of traumatic events that shook me to my core and left me questioning everything I thought I knew about myself.

Over the course of about a month, my father had a massive stroke, my beloved dog was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer, and I went through a very difficult breakup with my partner who I’d been living with.

In addition, I found myself in an intense conflict with my two best friends.

Wake up

Until we begin to wake up to this constructed reality, in a sense, we will always be puppets of our cultural forces. 

We are bottle-fed advertisements from birth—programmed to see material goods as the ticket to joy and salvation. This is the byproduct of a society that deifies consumerism and worships economic gain as the summum bonum: the highest good and ultimate goal.

The messages are both subtle and overt, both subliminal and explicit. They are enshrined in billboards, movies, and the daily actions, values, and attitudes of those around us.

We are indoctrinated to believe our self-worth and identity are based primarily on our productivity, achievements, and possessions. We have been taught to commodify ourselves and others as though we were products to be bought and sold. 

This strips us and those around us of our humanity, robbing us of the sacred joy of being. In this “human consumerism,” we lose touch with our inherent preciousness.

What is required to undo this conditioning is a complete paradigm shift in the way we see the world, ourselves, and each other. 

When we dismantle our inherited perceptions and deprogram our indoctrinated views, we change our habituated roles within this system. This is essential to genuine personal and collective healing and awakening. 

By and large, the process of deprogramming is a deep reexamination of all that was previously left unquestioned. 

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The big picture

Seeing the frame in the first place is half the battle. This makes what was invisible visible so we can bring it into our conscious awareness and choose how we relate to it. 

The other half of the battle is fearlessly and continuously examining how to break out of our roles in the system and help others do the same.

Our wounds are collective, and so is our healing. Individual and societal awakening requires us to create collective agreements based on equity, human dignity, and protection of our most vulnerable. 

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In this week’s episode of Waking Up with Brooke Sprowl, my guest and dear friend Alex Federici and I discuss how to dismantle these inherited perceptions, deprogram our cultural messages, and imagine new ways of being and relating. 

Check out the episode here:

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living my name is Brooke Sproul and I have on the show today my dear friend Alex federici Alex and I Alex and I have
known each other since we were a tender age of 18. children yeah what 20 years
now and Alex has been hugely instrumental in my own personal journey of kind of
personal development self-awareness learning and growing in my relationships
um and my ability to kind of understand and communicate more effectively understand boundaries and consent as
well as more recently conversations about how the personal is political and how our internalized systems of
Oppression in our households can map onto our political views and sort of the feedback loop between those two things
and I’ve had sort of a profound Awakening in this regard which I credit largely to Alex and our ongoing
conversations and I thought this would be a really important conversation to have and invite others into so welcome
Alex and thank you it was an incredibly kind way of welcoming onto your podcast thank you so
very much Brooke I’m super happy to be here yeah so uh we’ve had this conversation I
mean we’ve been I mean if we really Trace back the roots it’s been a few years now um and and it really started with you
know conversations about how in a particular relationship I was in
um ways in which my value as a woman was perceived in relationship to physical
attraction and how I was objectifying myself and like therefore perceiving it
as normal and okay to be objectified by others or to have my value perceived in
relation to this kind of cultural standard of what is agreed on as Beauty
and so that was really the beginning of some very long conversations that have evolved significantly but um just sort
of curious if you wanted to share anything about about that topic because I think that has some really important
you know ramifications um and and things to explore it’s interesting because it when it came to
your sense of self-worth and I feel this way too because it’s it’s different for a hetero or hetero representing men in
our society but there’s like a strain of it that’s similar of uh what we have
been told our value is based in um and then we know to some large degree
that there’s a desire for perfect expression of that thing that is not possible right so like you’re not going
to be I mean this in the in the most chauvinist the gross sense like attend right like nobody is a 10 everybody has
faults and so then you’re looking for people to validate that you are worthwhile as opposed to recognizing
yourself as being perfect in your own imperfect Humanity from the get-go and so you then subconsciously start
looking for partners who will tell you things like you being perfect in not an imperfect way but in the like no no
you’re this thing or oh my God I get attention from this person and if this person is giving me attention I must be
worthwhile and now you’re seeking validation externally and it’s not even like
you know there are times in my life where I’ve wanted to be around people that are most certainly smarter than I am and there is certainly a feeling of
like oh I’m like in a conversation with a very smart person and there’s something there’s a type of validity
that’s occurring in there but there’s I think relationship where
uh it isn’t actually about the way that the two of you are dancing and it is about what the person is
willing to give to you and what the person can take away from you and so then you end up in relationships with the other person holds the keys to your
self-worth because you perceive yourself as I’m only beautiful because this person says that I’m beautiful they can
take away that at any time they can revoke that sense of self-worth and whenever they mistreat me they can give
it back to me as a way to allow for the mistreatment um yeah really well said and the framing
that I use to think about some of those Concepts is a little different maybe than yours you know um I think about you
know my frame of kind of the spectrum of narcissism and the ways in which we appeal to things outside of us for worth
it as a compensation for our internal sense of unworthiness or internal
traumas that we experience we then compensate by seeking external validation and that creates a
transaction transactional and consumeristic approach to relationships in which we commodify ourselves and then
as you’re saying we’re looking to others how good how how um I had a friend who we used to talk
about this a lot and I think it’s a really damaging framework but it’s the thing we’re trying to dismantle so I
think it’s important that we talk about it like how valuable are you in the sexual Marketplace like where do you
fall in that like as you said kind of deliberately chauvinistic like that that framing like where do I fall in that one
to ten where am I on that and then we’re constantly looking for people and things and trying to present ourselves to raise
our status as opposed to seeing ourselves as intrinsically valuable in our unique expression and seeing
relationships as you said as a dance that is co-created and emergent between
two people that’s less about any particular characteristics and how we live up to certain standards and more
about kind of the way you particularly connect with the given you know with the way in which two individuals connect and
relate and what they bring out in each other and what emerges in that dance and so I’ve had you know I’ve gone through a
huge shift in my relationships but it’s still ongoing I mean I still feel like I’m dismantling a lot of these
transactional kind of consumeristic ways of viewing myself and others and what’s
really beautiful though that we’ve we’ve talked about is you know as we dismantle this internalized oppression and
commodification like what opens up in terms of possibilities to connect with
people is so nourishing and Soulful it’s like you’re no longer sort of
um in this constant state of judging and evaluating and seeking seeing others as
instrumental or um uh you’re you’re kind of just you get
into this experience of just connection and kindness and um and seeing the beauty like the beauty
in the uniqueness the beauty not in the you’re a 10 but in the actual kind of
genuine soulfulness of another human being and it’s quite like it’s quite
radical how it shifts your perspective and I’m not suggesting that I have that lens all the time or that it’s been sort
of a linear right yeah right it’s like I never want to present like when we have these
glimpses of a more awakened State of Consciousness I never want to present that like I’m now enlightened and that’s
just a fixed State and you know by you know and we’ve expressed this before that I
think for what for the two of us it comes from the opposite directions but for me you know the whole that I’m trying to fill and and the
commodification of other people the perception of other people as being in this Marketplace which whenever I see
the dating or the sexual Marketplace my body like does one of these like you
um that for me there is still a desire to prove to myself that I am worthy that I
am and so in that way it’s like am I a good instrument would someone want to purchase me even if that purchasing is with their time
and I can know which I do that I have intrinsic value that far outweighs that
that that that the intrinsic value that I have gets diminished the moment I try to put a monetary or temporal value on
who I am and what I am you know but I am uh if we look at it from a religious
perspective like I am a child of God that the thing that created all things has gained for me to exist in this
moment and that there is no amount of money that can supersede that understanding about the world or I am
the the entail of 13 billion years of uh astronomical atomical biological
evolution that has led to this place that this like blip of thing called Alex federici gets to exist and like any
other way of viewing you diminishes the reality of the situation because the
reality of the situation are those two things however you want to view in your Paradigm of the world and to see
yourself as um a thing to be bought and sold to see yourself as
um am I good enough to be around other people am I a cool kid whatever the story is that you have that story is so
it pales in comparison to what the reality is and then when you see other people
because then the next step is like oh if that is true for me that’s true for everyone that everyone I interact with
is a child of God who was created and put here because they have intrinsic
value every individual I meet here is the long tail of billions of years of striving and trying and loving and being
and this is a special moment when me and they get to share space whatever the
hell that is for this brief period of time whatever the hell that is that like that that moment has value and that
value supersedes any way in which it validates me that
like this on my deathbed is going to be a moment in time that I got and there is no amount of money or perception that is
going to change that oh my God me and Brooke are having this conversation right now right it reminds me of the
kind of ego being uh the Hungry Ghost right it’s like I mean sure you know my
anytime I feel that brief relief of you know that ego boost that gives me this
momentary fleeting sense that I’m okay it’s gone immediately and there’s a way
in which it’s never filled and I think only by kind of discovering how empty the Paradigm is or failing at it in some
way do we actually have the invitation to just to die to that Paradigm and to discover this this new way of being and
the preciousness that you’re speaking to this this preciousness and gift that we miss because we are taught to commodify
ourselves and others and to take such an instrumental approach to people to time
I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’ve been calling in my own mind temporal instrumentality like time is a means to
an end as opposed to like time as intrinsically worthy and it’s almost analogous to what we’re talking about as
you know us as human beings being intrinsically worthy and precious like when I slow down enough and when I’m
present I can find the preciousness In the Still Moments each day but because I
take such an instrumental and really capitalistic approach to I mean it’s all what’s really interesting for me because
some of the political conversations and ideas are a lot newer for me is how so
much of our approach to ourselves uh others and time is capitalist is is like
a conditioning and a programming that is capitalistic that I didn’t realize like
I thought that this is just the way things are I had no idea how much the culture and the the political system and
just kind of American cultural value you are a part of the way I live my really
daily life and I think that brings us to some of the larger conversations that we were wanting to have around kind of
systemic change and uh how cultural beliefs are such a
well I think the major breakthrough and realization that I had recently was
that these political issues are not logistical issues they’re spiritual
issues they are they are not um I have for a long time thought that
um you know all of this stuff it’s like it’s just it is systemic but it’s like
it’s logistical that’s not my strong suit I don’t know how to do that so I can’t I can’t change anything and I felt
this powerlessness and this defeatism because from a young age I wanted to serve the world I wanted to make a
difference and I felt like I didn’t have a way to do that and then it was like wait a second this isn’t a logistical
problem that’s the conditioning that’s the lie that’s the framing that’s been taught to me in order to prevent me from
changing it so that certain people can stay in power I see that now which I
didn’t see it and so that the system remains in power right yes you know for the most part
even even when it is very clear that there are individuals who are intending to uh and I mean it’s in a broader sense
profit off of the system that the system itself predates them right so that that even those that you could even pinpoint
say like they are actively making the world the way that it is currently that like the system has existed for so long
that it’s not a thing that any one or group of individuals have done it is the world that we were born into
um it was inherited and then right yes it is inherited by all of us the issued under codes when it is a when it is a
systematic issue that we perceive it as just being an issue of a system and that the system’s not the problem the problem
are the people in the systems and if only we could either convince the people to act differently or we can change the
way that the system works we can somehow be what we want to be which is what major makes it feel like it’s a
logistics issue but the problem is the system is the problem and even working within the system to change the way that
it works still perpetuates the system’s existence to try to make individuals
relinquish power within the system only creates power vacuums that other individuals are going to come into
because those individuals are not the actual issue the system is the issue and so even that Baseline belief like oh if
we just sat down together and could have rational conversations and figure out what we needed to do within the
Frameworks of the system we could create eating and like that’s not the way that this is going to work it actually
necessitates a paradigm change and that Paradigm Change Is A Soulful one because it requires us to view ourselves and the
world differently than the current system tells us we should see the world in ourselves
yeah really well said and I think that the the framing that’s been so helpful
to me is that it’s really our Collective agreements that create the systems in a
way I mean we’re programmed to you know I mean we’re indoctrinated we’re acculturated to the systems that we
inherit but the collective agreements maintain the system and so if we can change our Collective agreements about
humanity and what what uh the intrinsic value of each person and how and our
understandings of the ways that each of us even those in power right now benefit
from everyone profiting from everyone having equal opportunity
um equal like I don’t know I’ve shared this with you before but one of my favorite quotes is Stephen J gold said
I’m less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s mind than in
the near certainty that people of equal talent and intelligence have died in Cotton Fields and sweatshops and for me
it’s so it’s so tragic that there are so many talented people who because they
just happen to be born to into certain circumstances aren’t able to offer their unique gifts and genius to our culture
and then not only did they did they as individuals suffer which we care about but also we all suffer we all lose by
depriving our culture of the richness of this kind of collective intelligence intelligence of each person maximizing
their human potential like you and I you know we’ve had so many gifts and privileges and that have allowed us to
you know be kind of trying to pursue our dreams and and actualize ourselves kind
of individually cycle logically and then now in service you know you with your music and me with my podcasting and
thought leadership and things and and really to to have this unique potential but how much better would the world be
for even us and everyone if each person were able to express their uniqueness by
having the same advantages and I know I personally growing up with a very serious mental illness and having
overcome that like I know that if I were born into any other circumstances I could be on the street like I don’t
delude myself into believing that I’m somehow this amazing person as an
individual that’s just so mentally resilient and so and you know this about me we’re friends like you’re the one I
called you I am when I’m upset so it’s like I don’t delude myself into believing that it’s really a an
individual character you know that has allowed me to succeed it is having so
many advantages and so much privilege to you know get the mental health care I need get the you know education I need
and the support that I I need you know have stable housing have stable food if if any of those things you know if I
didn’t have any of those things I could certainly be on the street I could certainly be houseless I could certainly
you know be in any sort you know in jail in any sort of different situation and I think a lot
of people I don’t think have that perspective or I don’t know I think a
lot of people do have that perspective but I think I think people don’t want to acknowledge how precarious their
situation is right I also think you know we are indoctrinated
acculturated into a belief of um what gets flipped and they said like pulling yourself up by your bootstraps
right and you know as a famous very close at the end of his life uh interview that Martin Luther King
gave where he is decrying that statement because you’re essentially telling people that don’t have boots let alone
have straps on their shoes to pull themselves up by it essentially so that you may call them losers and say that no
you were allowed to play the game and this is your fault that you are in the position that you are in and to allow
for us to say that to people requires us to believe that we are worthy of the
advantages that you and I have by birth the Privileges that you and I have by birth and so you have generations of
people and enclaves of class that I’ve been told that they are worthy that they
were chosen and as you’ve expressed before in this kind of like moves meanders into another place like you’re raised Desiring to be on the side
of the bully and there’s a whole group of people in our culture that through
their own bullying through the way that they were treated when they were younger and that they were acculturated want to
be on the side of the bully because it makes them feel like No One’s Gonna Knock them off of their pedestal and the
ultimate fear is if I don’t have this bully the others are going to come due
to us what we have done to them even if that’s not the lay of the land
even if that’s not actually what has ever occurred even in fact you look at civil rights gay rights female rights in
this country over a hundred years of some of those things it is not those disadvantaged individuals coming into
society being welcome to society and immediately kicking down the people who have been kicking them down for Generations they’re just happy to be
allowed to be in society and not get killed but there is such a fear that people want to be on the side of bullies
and those bullies will constantly tell you watch out if you allow for these underclass of people to come up the
first thing they will do is knock you down and the only person standing in the way of that is me hmm
yeah and the Paradigm is that like that there’s always going to be a bully so you might as well you know you might as
well be on that side otherwise it’s like it’s like killer be killed like eat or be eaten you know like there’s this idea
that like that that’s necessary like there doesn’t we don’t we don’t have to play that game like we don’t we just
don’t have in some Pockets that was not the way that I was raised and it’s so interesting to me when we had these conversations and you know these things
was like I want to better understand where you came from because culturally just forget the way that my parents raised me culturally like okay so just
right now like superheroes are a big thing and like the superhero mindset is like no no like you’re gonna get a
superpower or you’re gonna like build this incredible thing and then you are gonna go beat up the bullies and it’s
not about like being on the side of the of the bully it’s not about like making sure that the bad guy that’s in power
like you can be on their side like the ethos of the culture is no no bad guys lose
cheaters never Prosper you want to be powerful to make sure that you take care of other people and beat up the bad guys
so like there is a strain of something that exists in my mind at least under
the prevailing culture that is not actually the things that I watched or the like the ethos of the
things that I read when I was younger that there is a thing that we talk about which is like America goes and beats up
Hitler and then the thing that we don’t want to talk about which is like also while oppressing black people
um [Music] yeah but the story I think is the right story and so there are there seems are
to be pockets of society that are telling different stories because it blows my mind when bullies rise to power
and it’s not very obvious what is going on and the only reason it’s obvious to me I truly believe because the culture I
grew up in and the stories I was told when I was younger else I wouldn’t realize it right yeah what’s most
shocking and disturbing to me is what I think of as analogous to gaslighting
which is the bully is rising and and claiming to be the one being bullied
like both sides perceive themselves to be you know the ones being bullied
um even the privileged side that is actually bullying and how do we discern
those things I mean that was the hardest thing for me Alex that you’ve really helped me you know understand and like
come to a genuine kind of like self ability to myself now discern and see
what I believe to be truly there not like Alex told me and now I see it but like actually really understand the
frame and understand the thing but but like I guess what I want to share with others and I don’t know if this is you
know if we can even codify this it was such a a long process of so many conversations it’s like how do we know
like how do we know that we’re not the the person who’s actually the bully like how do we know which which side is which
how do we know the difference between you know the superheroes and the Hitlers of the world you know because I think
that’s part of the conundrum right now and again by Design I think it’s intentional but you know like it’s
really difficult right now in our current culture with our you know all of the ways in which we’re kind of siled by
social media and Google and and like the content that we’re receiving being curated to our biases and preferences
like how do we know which world is real this is not new so I do think you know
there’s a there’s a story of um that the man who created the public
address system went to his grave believing that he was um
he was the reason for Hitler’s rise and in a negative way like he carried guilt that were it not for me and the thing
that I created that this thing would not have been possible right and I think I would hope that the people who created
the current technologies have some sort of concern for what they’ve done but I’m pretty sure they haven’t they they don’t
but that uh these things are going to occur regardless I’m not certain that it’s um
that the media is the message in this instance I think it is about how the message gets that what we allow the
messages to be and conversations about what sorts of speech are acceptable
which now becomes a more thorny conversation that you and I have been trying to have for some fun I think it is helpful to to take and say wait this
is universal this isn’t contextual I mean I do think that there’s a way in which these things are being Amplified
and accelerated by you know our current technology but you know there’s a way in
which like you say it’s it’s sort of Universal and you know trans-temporal so
like for me my framing always comes back to the individual and like the
individual analogy because that’s my expertise is you know individuals relationships Etc so it’s helpful for me
to like contextualize it or announce or or use metaphors that are related to individual and relational Dynamics and
like when I think about children being bullied um it’s extremely traumatic if you teach
a child not to stand up to a bully like they carry the shame I mean I work with
people who’ve been bullied and it’s like it doesn’t like the imprint is so deep part of my struggle and you know
individually when I’ve been in relationships that have abusive elements or bully elements is I almost always
engage with the bully as though they are um operating in good faith and then I’m
like very confused by why my good faith like communication like
I’m using all my communication skills I’m doing all the right things and yet somehow the conversations aren’t
resulting in the way that they would with any good faith person you know like and so I would be very confused by that
and I guess I’m just kind of trying to map that on to this political dialogue I
think that that’s a lot of what is happening too is like we have and I think a lot of people are are Savvy to
this and they they aren’t engaged in it in this way but for me it was like this feeling that um oh well there’s there’s
two good faith you know parties there’s two good faith and not that they’re doing that not a political sense yeah I
mean the parties isn’t like the two American political parties you mean two individuals or two groups having conversation yeah but this transcends a
political binary yeah right and and you know each of these parties is you know
operating in good faith but it’s like no a lot of people are not both individuals and you know political groups are not
operating in good faith so you can’t have a fair fight and you’re never gonna win a a fight if you’re playing by the
rules and someone else isn’t and so that’s a big part of what I see you know in terms of my individual experience
where I am or you know I have more expertise awareness experience understanding and I can kind of I could
see the complexity in it but then it’s like when I try to map that on to you know the larger conversation I’m
starting to see the same principles apply collectively although I am curious then I think to to
move from the depressing element of it how do you no sincerely how
how do you think is the best way to begin the dismantling
of the negative aspects of that upbringing while maintaining community
family friendship and not throwing the baby out with the bath water but like how do we how do we
get into those subgroups in our culture to plant seeds to change the way that
people think from inception what a great question
you know for me my individual Journey was very much you know around there was
a lot of what I call transformative destruction right so there was a lot I had to tear down there was a lot of kind
of death and rebirth but many deaths and rebirths that had to happen and part of
that was a loss and a grief of that original community and a lot of
reprogramming and healing and deep internal work and in terms of my own
Psychotherapy and um self-awareness and and so much that
needed to happen before I could actually you know reconnect with friends and find
people that I was connecting with from a more a deeper way I mean I had very deep
close relationships in the church but I didn’t realize that there was a way in
which My True Values weren’t reflected in those relationships and it wasn’t
until I did a lot of internal work and healing that you know you and I reconnected several years ago and some
some of some older friendships kind of resurfaced as I kind of emerged from the
old Paradigm and kind of continually grew and left old relationships behind
that weren’t really in alignment with my values and then um
you know and then I started to create new friends with like within a new set of values and a new paradigm but it took
a lot of um it took a lot of Letting Go and it did take some being alone and some grieving
I mean it took it took a lot of pain um but I think that finding you know
groups that share your values I mean you have to know what your values are and that’s part of the you know the
transition time is like to go back to a Biblical metaphor
um what’s the analogy I heard one time it was like you know the opposite of um slavery isn’t Freedom the opposite of
slavery is the desert like you know you don’t you don’t exit oppression
um and just go straight to Freedom you actually go through a period in which there’s kind of a a destitute land that
you’re wandering and you don’t know if you’re gonna get to Freedom you got out of the oppression but you’re not
actually clear if you’re gonna get to the promised land and so you know I think that that really for was my
experience was there was a part of it that was freeing
um and liberating and healing and then there was a part of it that was I really miss that I’ve got no Bedrock anymore
there was something familiar there’s a bit of a Stockholm syndrome in that and then over time as you kind of go through
the desert you you gradually start to really find out who you are I think and
um and then on that Journey you meet others kind of if we’re on the same path and and I think that’s where you start
to rebuild a more authentic and enduring community based on your actual values
but man it’s not it’s not an easy Road that’s I mean it’s not like a a super
straightforward process I think it’s very iterative I think it’s very kind of long suffering I think it’s it’s there’s
a lot of very deep work involved in that process what do you think
yeah and I think for and then I think there’s a way in which
the necessity is to as uh in ways being
former Wanderers make sure that you create community on the other side for
people to come into right because we can start to to just
murder this metaphor we could start planting villages on the outskirts of that desert that begin to encroach on
the desert so that in each existing generation that the the journey is actually shorter and shorter and that
there are established places and people for you to come into that will grab you and take you in right that that in a way
this is like a cultural Refugee program right that that that and that it
requires and this gets back to the way our culture is like once you get free there is a feeling if you’re just kind of out for yourself like I’m finally
free and I just get to go and it’s like no but also perhaps we create a
community on this side of the spectrum that allows for people to come into our arms afterwards and and and that
requires us to accept that we have accessed and acceptable amount of
freedom for ourselves like I don’t need to keep running I’m already here I can make Tamp here and I can be a place for
people to come and be given love hmm that’s that’s sounds like a really
wonderful place to to wrap thank you so much Alex I love you thank you for
having me Brooke thank you so much time [Music]
thank you

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Author Bio
My LA Therapy - Brooke Sprowl (slider)

Brooke Sprowl is an industry-leading expert and author in psychology, spirituality, and self-transformation. Her insights have featured in dozens of media outlets such as Huffington Post, Business Insider, Cosmopolitan Magazine, the Los Angeles Times, Spectrum One News, Mind Body Green, YourTango, and many more.

As the founder and CEO of My LA Therapy, she leads a team of 15 dedicated therapists and wellness professionals. Brooke has been a featured speaker at prominent universities and venues such as UCLA School of Public Affairs, USC, Loyola Marymount University, the Mark Taper Auditorium, and Highways Performance Gallery, to name a few. 

With a Master’s degree in Clinical Social Welfare with a Mental Health Specialization from UCLA, a Bachelor’s degree in Neuroscience from USC, and certifications in peak performance and flow science from the Flow Research Collective, Brooke has helped hundreds of prominent leaders and CEO’s overcome anxiety, relationship difficulties, and trauma and reclaim a sense of purpose, vitality, and spiritual connection. 

With 15 years of experience in personal development and self-transformation as a therapist and coach, she has pioneered dozens of original concepts and frameworks to guide people in overcoming mental health challenges and awakening spiritually.

Brooke is the host of the podcast, Waking Up with Brooke Sprowl. She is passionate about writing, neuroscience, philosophy, integrity, poetry, spirituality, creativity, effective altruism, personal and collective healing, and curating luxury, transformational retreat experiences for high-achievers seeking spiritual connection.



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