7 Signs You’re In a Toxic Relationship

7 Signs You’re In a Toxic Relationship Nothing beats the sense of euphoria that comes with newfound love. The relationship starts with both partners acting all loved, with time and experiences making them grow closer together. On the other hand, hardships may set in. A number of these couples may start to grow tired of […]
Your 20 Minute Podcast ~ Anxiety, Relationships, and Family Therapy

Brooke Sprowl on Your 20 Minute Podcast: Insights on Anxiety, Relationships, and Family Therapy Brooke Sprowl was featured in David Brower’s Your 20 Minute Podcast about Anxiety, Relationships, and Family Therapy.
Blog Talk Radio ~ Book Reading: Why You SHOULD Date Emotionally Unavailable Men: Use Your Unhealthy Relationships to Transform

Brooke Sprowl on Blog Talk Radio: Why You SHOULD Date Emotionally Unavailable Men Brooke was featured in Blog Talk Radio with a Book Reading: Why You SHOULD Date Emotionally Unavailable Men: Use Your Unhealthy Relationships to Transform.
The Nobody Guide to Life, Radio Public ~ Anxiety, Authenticity, and the Power of Difficult Relationships

Brooke Sprowl on The Nobody Guide: Anxiety & Power of Relationships Brooke Sprowl was featured in The Nobody Guide to Life about Anxiety, Authenticity, and the Power of Difficult Relationships. Also listen to it on Radio Public.
SanIT Project ~ Are You in a Co-Dependent Relationship?

Brooke Sprowl in SanIT Project: Identifying Co-Dependent Relationships Brooke was featured in SanIT Project about Are You in a Co-Dependent Relationship?
Elevated Radio ~ Anxiety, Depression, Relationship Issues, and Trauma

Brooke Sprowl was featured on Elevated Radio about Anxiety, Depression, Relationship Issues, and Trauma. Brooke Sprowl was featured on Elevated Radio about Anxiety, Depression, Relationship Issues, and Trauma.
Sisterhood of Sweat ~ Relationships and Communication

Brooke Sprowl on Sisterhood of Sweat Live: Relationships & Communication Brooke Sprowl was featured in Sisterhood of Sweat Live Podcast (Facebook Live) about Relationships and Communication. https://www.facebook.com/brooke.sprowl/videos/10106535189759165/