5 Tips to Help You Stay Sober During the Holidays


5 Tips to Help You Stay Sober During the Holidays “My main focus in sobriety has been to replace fear with faith or love.” -Steve-O The holiday season is upon us with Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas right around the corner. Holidays can be stressful for anyone with the looming responsibilities of hosting dinners, getting presents, […]

5 Techniques to Manage Anxiety as a Recovering Addict


5 Techniques to Manage Anxiety as a Recovering Addict “The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” -William James Anxiety is extremely common, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it can be increasingly difficult to manage. According to the ADAA, 40 million adults in the United […]

Expressive Writing for Physical and Mental Health


Expressive Writing for Physical and Mental Health “Writing about an emotionally charged subject or an unresolved trauma helps you put the event into perspective and give some structure and organization to those anxious feelings, which ultimately helps you get through it.” -Professor James Pennebaker The statement by Professor Pennebaker is one of the health benefits […]

Divorcing: How Gray Divorce Affects Your Health


Divorcing: How Gray Divorce Affects Your Health “Happiness only real when shared.” -Jon Krakauer Through years and generations, having a family was considered the biggest blessing a person could ever get. Having someone who is there for you no matter what, who supports and shares the love with you is the ultimate happiness everyone strives […]

The Link Between Trauma and Addiction


The Link Between Trauma and Addiction “Trauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated the silent screams continue internally heard only by the one held captive. When someone enters the pain and hears the screams healing can begin.” -Danielle Bernock Trauma and addiction often co-exist. […]

College Depression: What Parents Need to Know and Do


College Depression: What Parents Need to Know and Do College depression is a very common problem in today’s academic environment. As a parent, you should acknowledge and understand that depression is a very sinful condition that can happen even to the most optimistic and well-balanced children. During college, teenagers are often going through a difficult […]

Addiction and Anger Management: How Are They Even Connected?


Addiction and Anger Management: How Are They Even Connected? “Fire in the heart sends smoke into the head.” -German Proverb When people are angry, they tend to lose their ability to think clearly. They may end up doing something that they shouldn’t have. I have seen close friendships and relationships break due to anger. Children […]

5 Tips To Deal With The Stress Of Being A New Parent


5 Tips To Deal With The Stress Of Being A New Parent For all of the joy that comes with being a parent, the whole experience can be really overwhelming and stressful as well. Read this article to find out how to minimize the stress so that you can enjoy the good parts. The first […]

Poor Sleep – Bad for Our Mental Health?


Poor Sleep – Bad for Our Mental Health? In our busy lives, the importance of taking care of ourselves can often be forgotten. No single example is more relevant than that of our sleeping habits! Good sleep is absolutely crucial to our physical and mental wellbeing. Having healthy sleeping patterns can greatly affect our day […]

The Benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness for Men


The Benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness for Men There has been quite a buzz and a lot of research on the numerous benefits that accompany the activities of meditation and mindfulness. It is often dismissed as a feminine practice. However, there is a lot of evidence demonstrating that meditation and mindfulness also significantly benefit men. […]

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