5 Steps to Erasing the Trauma of Painful Memories

invisible illness therapy

The Trauma of Painful Memories “Memory can be a blessing and a curse. Memories are part of how we define who we are and what we stand for as well as a big part of how we connect with other people.” When traumatic memories are a part of the fabric of our past, these memories […]

The Link Between Trauma and Addiction


The Link Between Trauma and Addiction “Trauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated. When it is ignored or invalidated the silent screams continue internally heard only by the one held captive. When someone enters the pain and hears the screams healing can begin.” -Danielle Bernock Trauma and addiction often co-exist. […]

Dr. Hyman’s Broken Brain 2


Brooke Sprowl Featured on Dr. Mark Hyman’s Broken Brain 2: Expert Insights Check out the links below for segments from Brooke Sprowl’s full expert interview on Dr. Mark Hyman’s Broken Brain 2. If you’d like the full version and to view all episodes in series, you can purchase membership here. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Trauma […]

Characteristics of Batterers

characteristics of a batterer

Characteristics of Batterers Many batterers have characteristics that make them prone to violent or verbally abusive outbursts. Some people have these characteristics and are not batterers, and some batterers lack these traits. This is a list of the common characteristics, not a definitive diagnosis. Low self-esteem While they may appear tough and confident, most batterers have low […]

Violence and Abuse Cycle

cycle of abuse

Cycle of Violence and Abuse Understanding the cycle of violence and abuse can help you begin to break free of abusive and violent relationships. Domestic violence and abuse are used for one purpose only: to gain power and maintain total control over you.  The cycle of violence is comprised of three phases: the explosion, honeymoon phase, the tension-building phase. […]

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