Coping with Anxiety During COVID
3 Simple Tips for Coping with Anxiety During COVID Anxiety is triggered by stressors in our lives and environments. Your body naturally responds to stress with feelings of fear and apprehension, which are what we classify as anxiety. And unfortunately, it can be pretty debilitating. Anxiety can be triggered by all sorts of things; sometimes […]
Manage Anxiety as a Recovering Addict
5 Techniques to Manage Anxiety as a Recovering Addict “The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” – William James Anxiety is extremely common, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it can be increasingly difficult to manage. According to the ADAA, 40 million adults in the […]
The EveryGirl ~ How to Find Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Your Anxiety
Brooke Sprowl in The EveryGirl: Finding Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Anxiety Brooke Sprowl was featured in The EveryGirl about How to Find Healthy Coping Mechanisms for Your Anxiety.