4 Major LGBTQ Workplace Problems and Possible Solutions
“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.”
- Winston Churchill
1. Domestic or same-sex partners are still not covered by health insurance.
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2. Leave policies aren’t equal across the board.
3. Workplace discrimination and harassment.
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4. Failure of reporting acts of discrimination or harassment.
This one is linked to the previous problem, because even when businesses have set up strong anti- harassment policies, these incidents still happen. The worst part is that other employees don’t often feel comfortable speaking up and reporting an act. It means that they feel unwelcome in their workplace. What you can do is create an inclusive space at work and a culture of speaking up so that all employees feel comfortable and supported if they stand up for themselves or report an incident. If they feel comfortable speaking up, they’re more likely to stop an incident mid-progress or report something.
It takes more than a few gestures to make employees feel welcome in the workplace. It needs to become an ingrained culture at your company. There are certain inclusion activities you can start at work to kickstart this process. Participate in a local Pride event with your work and attend as a group, offer LGBTQ diversity training to all employees, and set up an inclusive health care benefit plan. By following these steps, you’ll be taking great strides towards equality and inclusivity.